
Community Corrections
Emphasizing Restorative


Facilitating Successful Reintegration

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Through Evidence-Based Treatment
and Services

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Our Mission

“To conceive and develop effective interventions, which will enable individuals to avoid unnecessary levels of incarceration, enhance community safety and provide a setting that facilitates treatment and the reduction of recidivism.”

Our Beliefs

  • Addressing and treating the underlying causes of criminal behavior requires a comprehensive, evidence-based, trauma-informed approach.

  • Stability is a prerequisite to successful reintegration. This includes stable:

    1. Mental and physical health
    2. Housing
    3. Income
    4. Positive support and community involvement
    5. Prosocial thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs
  • Learn More


"Sessions with my counselor were uplifting. Long after completing the program, I still hold onto the lessons learned with ACS."


"I feel much more equipped to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, especially my anger. ACS has given me a number of tools that I can use."


"My case manager made sure I was prepared to reenter my community. She provided resources and held me accountable every step of the way. That was a huge step towards changing my life."


"After long struggling with homelessness, ACS staff helped me get approved for stable housing!"


"Staff truly cared about my success. It is part of what kept me motivated. Since successfully completing my ACS program, I have stayed sober, maintained employment, signed a lease for an apartment, and bought a car!"


"ACS taught me what really matters. I am now spending more time with my family and am trying to give back to the community."

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Contact Us

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601 Atlas Avenue
PO Box 7370
Madison WI 53707-7370

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